About Us

Generations Solution Technology is an Information Technology (IT) based company. Generations in information Technology refers to the change in the technology being used with time. The reason why we came up with the name "Generations Solution Technology" is to expose or show how the world has been moving with technology since the beginning of computers that's to say from the First generation, second, third, fourth and the fifth generation where artificial intelligence is at its peak.

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Why Choose Us

We are the best solution for your IT related Issues

Fast Delivery

We Deliver Within the Prescribed period of time. Dont get Stack, come get your developments as soon as possible

Quality Services

Our Services are provided within the set standards worldwide. With better programing experience, we offer technical support to our clients

Free Delivery

Upon Completion of assiggned tasks, Our Deliveries are free of charge to our clients, Come Engage us Today for a better experience.


Meet Our Founders

We are Awesome

SSerubiri Mudin

IT Sepecialist

Head ICT Department Victorian High School

Head ICT Department Entebbe Bright Secondary School

Jjunju Jackson

IT Sepecialist

Systems Developer (Wazihub Uganda)

System Administrator (Austria Care Uganda)

Wasajja Wilson

Web Developer

IT Officer (ECS)

Audio Producer (Cue Base Audio Rec)


System Dev'pt & Maintenance

Website Design & Dev'pt

computer Lab Setup & Maintenance

computer Training

computer Repair & Software Installations
GS Technologies


+256 702073154

+256 703895740

+256 704500808



Generations Solution Technology is an Information Technology (IT) based company.
Visit Us Today For better Experience
