About Us

Generations Solution Technology is an Information Technology (IT) based company. Generations in information Technology refers to the change in the technology being used with time. The reason why we came up with the name “Generations Solution Technology” is to expose or show how the world has been moving with technology since the beginning of computers that’s to say from the First generation, second, third, fourth and the fifth generation where artificial intelligence is at its peak.

Technology Moves with Time

Our Main Objective

Our main objective is to show the different users how technology is improving time to time, to bring the new technological developments close to the users in their respective sectors like education, health and finally guide them on how to use the technology at hand in the smooth running of their daily activities.

Specific Objectives

1.To equip ourselves with the current technology

2.To expose the users to the new technology

3.To enable the students in school get exposed to advanced IT before joining the University

4.To ensure that all the IT devices used by the different users are in proper mechanical conditions in order to smooth run their activities.

GS Technologies


+256 702073154

+256 703895740

+256 704500808



Generations Solution Technology is an Information Technology (IT) based company.
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